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Global Groundwater Sustainability: A Call to Action

A global group of scientists, practitioners, and experts calling for action to ensure groundwater benefits society now and into the future. You can join! Sign the Global Groundwater Statement on

Read the Nature Correspondence: Groundwater: a call for action

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Join the global group of scientists calling for action to ensure groundwater benefits society now and into the future. Read, sign, and share the global groundwater sustainability statement today: #groundwaterstatement

Thematic Session „Subsurface flow: From innovative experimental approaches to process modelling“ at EGU General Assembly 2020 in Vienna

It is well recognized that subsurface runoff is an important hydrological process transporting water, nutrients and pollutants from terrestrial to the aquatic ecosystems, but is still challenging to measure or model. Different terms exist to describe subsurface runoff, such as shallow subsurface runoff, interflow, subsurface stormflow, lateral flow or soil water flow. This reflects the different concepts derived from experimental and modeling studies in different environmental settings and at different spatial and temporal scales. Significant knowledge has been gained from these experimental studies at the point and hillslope scale, which have identified controlling factors for subsurface runoff (e.g., initial soil moisture, preferential flow paths, drainable porosity, precipitation inputs, soil properties, bedrock topography or soil layering). However, the importance of these controls on subsurface runoff at the catchment scale and how these findings can be implemented in catchment scale rainfall-runoff models remains poorly understood. Furthermore, most models are not directly calibrated on subsurface runoff and if it is done it is usually only for a few rainfall-runoff events that do not capture the whole range of initial conditions or thresholds for generating subsurface runoff. Thus, continuously measured proxies to assess the simulated subsurface runoff are needed. New, in-situ, high-frequency and high-temporal measurements of tracers can help to bridge the gap between point or hillslope scale processes and catchment data that are necessary for modelling these fundamental processes.

This session aims to address the current state of the art for measurement, characterizing and modeling subsurface runoff processes. We welcome all contributions on subsurface runoff processes and especially experimental and modeling studies on the following topics: (i) (Non-)Invasive methods to investigate and monitor subsurface runoff in space and time and its connection to the stream network; (ii) linking spatial patterns of subsurface runoff to soil and lithological heterogeneity, including stratification of soils; (iii) assessment of the importance of subsurface runoff for catchment scale runoff or chemical fluxes; and (iv) assessment of the accuracy of the subsurface runoff simulations using biogeochemical proxies (e.g. stable isotopes, dissolved silica, nitrate, dissolved organic carbon, artificial and/or environmental DNA).

Contact: Prof. Dr. Peter Chifflard (Convener)

Thematic Session „Subsurface flow: From innovative experimental approaches to process modelling“ at EGU General Assembly 2019 in Vienna

In catchment hydrology, subsurface flow is a well-recognized process but is still challenging to capture. Different terms exist to characterize subsurface flow, such as shallow subsurface runoff, interflow, subsurface stormflow, lateral flow or soil water flow. This reflects the different underlying concepts derived from various experimental and modeling studies in different environmental settings and for different spatial and temporal scales. Subsurface flow is responsible for the transport of nutrients and pollutants from the terrestrial to the aquatic ecosystems, which underlines its importance for the adjacent surface water bodies in terms of both water quantity and quality. This makes an accurate process understanding of subsurface flow essential.
Significant knowledge has been gained from experimental studies at the point and hillslope scales. These studies have identified controlling factors for subsurface flow (e.g., initial soil moisture, preferential flow paths, drainable porosity, precipitation inputs, soil properties, bedrock topography or stratification of soils). However, the importance at the catchment scale, and how these findings can be implemented in catchment scale rainfall-runoff models, remain poorly understood. This is mostly due to the nonlinearity of subsurface flow and due to a lack of knowledge in understanding where subsurface flow is generated within a catchment and when. Furthermore, simulation of subsurface runoff in catchment rainfall-runoff models is frequently based on calibration and validation for single rainfall-runoff events. However, such often isolated events, assuming steady state conditions are not sufficient to capture the whole range of initial conditions and especially the thresholds for generating subsurface runoff. Thus, continuously measured proxies to assess the accuracy of the simulated subsurface runoff are needed. New in-situ high-frequency measurements of tracers can help to bridge the gap between hillslope and point scale measurements and simulated catchment scale responses and thus improve the accuracy of these models.
This session aims to address the current state of the art for measurement, assessment and modeling of subsurface runoff processes. We welcome experimental and modeling studies on the following topics: (i) (Non-)Invasive methods for the investigation and monitoring of subsurface flow in space and time and its connection to the stream network; (ii) linking spatial patterns of subsurface flow with soil and lithological heterogeneity, including stratification of soils; (iii) assessment of the role of subsurface runoff for catchment response; and (iv) validation approaches to assess the accuracy of the simulated subsurface runoff using biogeochemical proxies (e.g. stable isotopes, dissolved silica, nitrate, dissolved organic carbon, trace elements etc).

Call for Abstracts

Convener: Peter Chifflard

Co-conveners: Natalie Orlowski , Michael Rinderer , Taro Uchida , Ilja van Meerveld



Riverine landscapes as coupled socio-ecological systems in Vienna 2019: LINK

9. Auenökologischer Workshop, 24.-26. April 2019, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien: LINK


Thematic Issue „Hydrogeography“ in „Die Erde“

the thematic issue „Hydrogeography – linking water resources and their management to physical and anthropogenic catchment processes“ in the journal „Die Erde“ has recently been completed. All papers are now available in their final version (with page numbers) on the journal website:


I would like to thank all of you for your contributions, and hope that you like the thematic issue.

Best wishes from the editorial team,
Thomas Büche, Peter Chifflard & Daniel Karthe


Hochwasser in Thüringen in der TLUG Schriftenreihe 113

In der Schriftenreihe Nr. 113 der Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie in Jena ist die dritte, überarbeitete und stark erweiterte Auflage von „Hochwasser in Thüringen – Ursachen, Verlauf und Schäden extremer Abflussereignisse (1500-2015)“ von Mathias Deutsch und Karl-Heinz Pörtge erschienen.

Die Publikation kann direkt bei der TLUG Jena bestellt werden und kostet 15 Euro (zuzüglich Versand). Die Bestell-Anschrift lautet:

Göschwitzer Straße 41
07745 Jena
– Deutschland –

Zitiervorschlag: Deutsch, M. & K.-H. Pörtge (2017): Hochwasser in Thüringen. Ursachen, Verlauf und Schäden extremer Abflussereignisse (1500-2015),
Schriftenreihe der Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie (TLUG) Jena, Schriftenreihe Nr. 113, Jena, 217 Seiten.